Hi All
We will be at the Old Saybrook Craft Show July 30th & 31st. You will receive 10% off one birdhouse if you mention that you read our blog.
Looking forward to a good weekend. Fred has been busy making new primitive items for your home and garden, along with the many birdhouses he is known for.
See the picture below of his American Flag. Hope to see you there!
We would like to post another picture from one of our customers, they purchased our chicken coop. This birdhouse is a favorite. Many have bought the chicken coop for wedding gifts, house warming gifts, and birthday gifts.
We have ours on a pole in the back yard. It is a three compartment birdhouse and the birds have enjoyed it now for four years.
We would like to add a picture from Mary, and her display of the birdhouse she purchased. Thank you Mary - enjoy it for many years!!!..