Saturday, December 20, 2014

Birds, Winter, Holidays

Hello Everyone

Fred & I would like to remind everyone to feed the birds this winter because it provides the energy they need to survive.

Keeping your feeders in easy to reach places and filled with food daily will let birds know they can rely on a source of food if need be.

Also, if you leave your birdhouses out during these winter months birds can find a spot to roost at night out of the cold. It is not uncommon for 6, 7, 8 etc. birds to huddle together overnight.

Lastly, a good source of ice free water is essential. Birds need drinking water and bathing water even in the winter time. Regular bathing allows birds to clean and waterproof their feathers with natural oils. Air trapped underneath feathers helps with insulation. Their feathers must be clean and dry in order for them to stay warm.

Hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Looking forward to seeing everyone again in 2015.

Take Care.

Monday, September 22, 2014


We have been participating in the Trumbull Arts Festival for six years now. During this time we have won 2nd place once and 3rd place twice. This year we won 1st place. We are humble and proud to have our work recognized. We take pride in each birdhouse we build and enjoy being able to pass them along to all of you. Thank you so much for your support. This would not have been accomplished without our followers over the years and all the new faces we have met this year. Your input makes us work harder, we strive to make you happy. Again our sincere appreciation. Thank you so much.

Another Happy Customer

We would like to share again with everyone some pictures from a customer that bought some birdhouses at  the craft show in Monroe, CT. We so enjoy sharing these with you, hearing your stories of little bird families occupying our birdhouses, and especially the joy and smiles that are so evident while you enjoy your bird watching. Thank you!!!!!

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Birdhouse Pictures

Hi Everyone

Here are some pictures one of our customers sent us. Her gardens look beautiful. Thank you Nicole, hope to see you next year.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Updated Show Schedule

Hello Everyone

We just updated our show schedule through September.

Hope to see you soon!!!!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Daffodil Festival

We will be at the Daffodil Festival this weekend in Meriden, CT. Hope the weather will be sunny, its been a long cold winter. Come out and join us for the craft show.

Fred has been busy with new designs. He also has been making side openers again (due to all your requests). Check out the birdhouses, there is something for everyone. Many are unique and one of a kind.

Hope to see you there!

Saturday, March 22, 2014


It's almost that time of year when the songbirds will be busy looking for nesting places. It is a good idea to get your birdhouses out within the next two weeks (even though around the northeast it is anything but spring-like).

Before you know it chickadees, finches, wrens, etc. will be actively raising families. It will also be the time of enjoying the many inspirational sounds these songbirds will bestow upon us. I don't know about you, but listening to these birds can give one great pleasure.

Did you know that there are approximately 9,600 species of birds in the world? There are over 5,000 species of perching birds that engage in some type of signing.

So with little preparation, one can enjoy a variety of songbirds by listening to them or watching them raise their young. Just sit back with the thought of spring right around the corner.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Waiting for Spring

March is here and its almost time to set the clocks back .  I'm really looking for spring to arrive it's been a crazy winter with all the snow and cold weather. ...... Can't wait for the temps to warm up burrrrrrr  . We will be at the Spring Sampler in West Springfield Ma. on March 8th and 9th. Stop by and say hello.